SEPTEMBER 2nd 2023

Mario + Abby

Mario and Abby may go down in history as one of the most fun weddings I have ever attended. When Abby and I initially talked she had told me that she was absolutely certain that she didn’t want to extend her timeline past 9pm. This is pretty early for most weddings, but I figured it must not be a lively crowd so we moved forward with the 9pm timeline and I just left myself a buffer incase I needed to stay longer. Fast Forward to the evening of the dance party, I mean, Wedding. I don’t think there was a single guest who didn’t make it out to the dance floor for at least a few songs. Even I danced, and that’s saying a lot! Mario and Abby most definitely win the most energetic dance floor award. Their party was hopping well up to 11:30pm. There were slow dances, planned choreo from family members, and of course the traditional cupid shuffle. After a few drinks from Abby’s Bar, we all bonded over the YMCA and had a great time dancing the night away. Mario and Abby’s wedding was beautiful and you could really feel the joy that everyone had for the joining of their families. The entire wedding felt like a perfect mixture of both of their families traditions. Cheers to many years of life long happiness for these two!

—Ginny Allen


Diana + Brandon